Mandalorian inspired T-Shirt Cannon for Star Wars Celebration

Turning a t-shirt cannon into a Mandalorian inspired t-shirt launcher for the Star Wars Show live at SWCC!

A couple of years ago our friends at Lucasfilm asked us to create a Star Wars inspired t-shirt cannon to be used by The Star Wars Show live for the 2017 Star Wars Celebration in Orlando. It was such a big hit that they wanted to get another prop made for 2019’s convention!  With The Mandalorian tv series set to premiere on Disney+ this fall, they chose that as the inspiration for this year’s design. 

For the T-shirt launcher, we took inspiration from the blaster rifle seen in the promotional images and trailer and interpreted that around a function t-shirt cannon.

Patrick Louie was the lead artist on this project and began with an actual tee shirt launcher. We modified the handle of the cannon to reflect the cool, Holiday Special inspired handle on the Mandalorian rifle. We also dug into our boxes of greeblies and spare parts and tried to find elements that fit the overall feel of the streaming show’s prop. We worked backwards from just one image of the show’s prop blaster (which was leaked by showrunner, Jon Favreau) and tried to capture that vibe, down to the metal look paint and the heat discoloration on the “forks” at the end of the blaster rifle prop.

Our new design was revealed at the panel for Disney+’s upcoming The Mandalorian tv show and stars Gina Carano and Carl Weathers were the first ones to get to launch this new cannon on the Star Wars Show live stage at Star Wars Celebration Chicago.

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